SBI Credit Card Reward Points

SBI Card gives you reward points every time you use your card for purchases. You can use these points to save money when you shop, travel, or enjoy lifestyle activities. To get the most out of these points, you can redeem them for various things like travel, shopping, and more from the SBI rewards catalog.

Each SBI credit card lets you earn reward points, but the rewards and their values differ based on the card you have. You can redeem these points online or offline for things like hotel bookings, Air Miles, gift vouchers, and more. Here, we'll tell you all about SBI credit card reward points, including how to check and use them.

SBI Credit Card Reward Points

You can earn rewards simply by using your SBI credit card for shopping at retail stores and making online payments. Later, you can redeem these reward points for various options like merchandise, gift vouchers, or even to reverse fees. While reward points might not be a primary consideration when applying for a card, they offer significant benefits, helping you save money when repaying your balance or making purchases.

SBI credit card reward points are not applicable for certain transactions such as loading e-wallets, cash withdrawals, balance transfers, disputed transactions, purchases at petrol pumps or service stations, using the Encash or Dial-a-draft facility, and for financial charges like late payment fees or dishonored cheque charges.

Note that if you cancel or return a transaction and receive a refund, the reward points earned from that transaction will be reversed. The same applies in the case of charge disputes.

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How to Check SBI Credit Card Reward Points

You can easily check your SBI credit card reward points through various methods:

  1. Review the rewards points summary on your latest credit card statement.
  2. Use the Chatbot ILA: Navigate to 'Statement' >> 'I want to view my statement' >> log in to your credit card account.
  3. Give a missed call to 8422845514 from your registered mobile number.
  4. Send an SMS with the message "REWARDS XXXX" (where XXXX represents the last 4 digits of your credit card) to 5676791 from your registered mobile number.
  5. Log in to the SBI Card website and access the 'Rewards' section.
  6. Alternatively, you can check your available reward points by logging into the SBI Card mobile app.

How to Redeem SBI Credit Card Reward Points

You have the flexibility to redeem your SBI credit card reward points through both online and offline channels. For online redemption, you can use net banking or mobile banking services. Alternatively, for offline redemption, you can reach out to the bank's customer care for assistance.

SBI Credit Card Reward Points Redemption Online via Mobile Banking:

Here's a step-by-step guide to redeem your SBI credit card reward points using the mobile app:

Step 1: Log in to the SBI Card mobile app using your Customer ID and password.

Step 2: From the left side menu, choose the 'Rewards' option and then click on 'Redeem Rewards'.

Step 3: Filter your reward points by selecting the desired city and category.

Step 4: Browse through the items listed in the 'Rewards Catalogue' and select the one you prefer.

Step 5: Confirm your selection by clicking on 'Redeem Now' to proceed with the redemption process.

SBI Credit Card Reward Points Redemption Online via Internet Banking:

Here's a step-by-step guide to redeem your SBI credit card reward points using the Online via Internet Banking:

Step 1: Log in to the SBI Card portal with your customer ID and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the 'Rewards' section and choose 'Redeem Rewards'.

Step 3: Use filters to specify reward points, city, and category preferences.

Step 4: Browse through the 'Rewards Catalogue' and pick your preferred item.

Step 5: Confirm your choice by clicking 'Redeem Now'.

SBI Credit Card Rewards Redemption Offline:

You have the option to redeem credit card reward points offline by contacting the SBI credit card customer care number. A customer care executive will guide you through the redemption process. You can either use your points to pay for the item in full or opt for the 'Points+Pay' option, allowing you to redeem points and cover the remaining amount with your credit card.

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Top Brands offering SBI Credit Card Rewards Catalogue E-vouchers
Westside Croma Taj Hotels
Shoppers Stop Prestige Bobbi Brown
FITPASS Apollo Pharmacy
Hamleys Ola Cabs Bata
Amazon Prime Armani Exchange Call Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I pay my SBI Credit Card outstanding using my reward points?

Yes, you can use your accumulated reward points to pay off your outstanding amount. However, please note that you can only use your reward points in multiples of 2,000 for this purpose.

2. How can I redeem SBI reward points?

There are two methods for redeeming your earned reward points: Online and Offline. Once you understand how to redeem SBI reward points, you can convert them to purchase various items such as electronics, apparel, accessories, and more.

3. How much time does it take for the SBI credit card reward redemption benefit to reach me?

If you've chosen an e-voucher, expect delivery within 3-10 working days. However, for items ordered from the rewards catalogue, delivery to your address may take 15-30 days.

4. Are there any charges for redeeming SBI credit card reward points?

Yes, SBI Card applies a rewards redemption fee of Rs. 99 plus GST for each reward points redemption. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully review all terms and conditions before applying for a credit card.

5. Can I redeem the reward points once my SBI Credit Card is closed?

Once your credit card account is closed, you will no longer be able to redeem any remaining reward points associated with that account. It's important to use or redeem your reward points before closing your credit card account to maximize their value.

6. What is the validity of SBI credit card reward points?

The reward points earned on your SBI credit card are valid for 24 months, which is 2 years. For example, if you have a rewards balance of 1,000 reward points on 25 Jan 2022, it will remain valid until 25 Jan 2024. After this date, your earned reward points will expire, and you won't be able to redeem them.

7. How can I check my SBI credit card reward points summary?

You can easily check the summary of your reward points through your credit card statement, which displays the closing balance of your reward points. Additionally, you can send an SMS with the message "REWARDS (Last four digits of your card number)" from your registered mobile number to 5676791. Alternatively, you can log in to your SBI Credit Card account on the web portal or mobile app to check your reward points balance.

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